Cảm biến khuếch tán năng lượng ET328.3/4P-M12 Leuze

  (121 )
  • Mã sản phẩm:50122726
  • Nhãn hiệu:Leuze
  • Xuất xứ:Đức
  • Giá :Liên hệ nhà cung cấp
  • Địa chỉ :102 Nguyễn Xí, Phường 26, Bình Thạnh, TP Hồ Chí Minh
  • Giang hàng :Công ty TNHH TM KỸ Thuật Âu Châu

Cảm biến khuếch tán năng lượng ET328.3/4P-M12 Leuze
Model: 50122726
- Nguyên tắc hoạt động: Nguyên tắc phản xạ khuếch tán
- Phạm vi hoạt động, màu trắng 90%: 0,001-0,7 m
- Phạm vi hoạt động, màu đen 6%: 0,005 -0,28 m
- Giới hạn phạm vi hoạt động, màu trăng 90%: 0,001 - 1 m
- Giới hạn phạm vi hoạt động, màu đen 6%: 0,005 - 0,4 m
- Nguồn sáng: LED, hồng ngoại
- Tần số chuyển mạch: 500 Hz
- Thời gian đáp ứng: 1ms
- Mạch bảo vệ: Bảo vệ đảo cực, Bảo vệ ngắn mạch
- Điện áp nguồn: 10 - 30 V, DC
- Số đầu ra chuyển mạch kỹ thuật số: 2
- Loại kết nối: Đầu nối M12
- Mức độ bảo vệ: IP 67
» Công ty TNHH TM Kỹ Thuật Âu Châu ( EUTC )
» Website: eutc.com.vn
» Hotline: +84 28 3514 6818
» Zalo: + 84 919 173 986
» Email: info@eutc.com.vn
Các sản phẩm Leuze mà EUTC đang cung cấp:
301268817590 LEUZE; P/N: 301268817590; MFR: KHS
50029881 Cảm biến PRK 96M/R-1858-25
50030077 Sensor Photoelectric/IPRK 18/A L.4
50032798 Photocell PRK 18/24 DL.46
50037134 Photoelectric sensor, PRK 8/66.41-S12; P/N: 50037134; MFR: LEUZE
50038449 Energetic diffuse sensor RT 618/4-200-S12/ Successor ET328.3/4P-M12, PN: 50122726
50038450 Photocell PRK-618/4-S12
50040278 Photoelectric sensor, IPRK 18/A L.46; P/N: 50040278; MFR: LEUZE
50040820 Reflector TKS 40X60
50061452 Photocell PRK 96M/P-3380-41
50080153 Photocell
50080760 Cảm biến PRK 96M/P-1838-41
50081283 Reflector TKS 20X40
50082121 Evaluation unit
50103072 reflective photoelectric sensor ; P/N: 50103072; MFR: Leuze
50103364 Sensor LSEU 18/24-S12; P/N: 50103364; MFR: Leuze
50103365 Sensor LSSU 18/24-S12; P/N: 50103365; MFR: Leuze
50104393 Photoelectric sensor, RPK 46B/44.01-S12; P/N: 50104393; MFR: LEUZE
50104614 Optical distance sensor ODSL 96K/V66.1-2300-S12
50105153 Reflector TKS 50X50.1
50106547 Reflective light barrier HRT 46B/66 - S12
50106559 Photo Sensor HRTR 46B/66-S-S12; P/N: 50106559; MFR: LEUZE
50107245 Cảm biến điểm home thanh lùa lon
50108361 Optical distance sensor ODSL 8/C66-500-S12, P/N: 50108361; P/N: 50108361; MFR: Leuze
50109257 Reflector Sensor LEUZE 00000003
50109617 Photocell Leuz RK 72/4-200 L.2
50109712 Sensor từ IS 230MM/4NO-10E; P/N: 50109712; MFR: LEUZE
50109720 Inductive switch 230MM/4N0-22E
50110792 Forked photoelectric sensor GS 04M/P-20-S8; P/N: 50110792; MFR: Leuze
50112010 Reflector P.E.Cell assembly
50112066 Photoelectric sensor, ODS 96B M/V6.01-600- S12; P/N: 50112066; MFR: LEUZE
50112142 Photo Sensor TK BR 53; P/N: 50112142; MFR: LEUZE
50114032 Sensor HRTR 46B/6.22-S12
50114036 Photo Sensor HRTR 46B/L.221-S12; P/N: 50114036; MFR: LEUZE
50114884 Photoelectric sensor, PRKL 53/6.42-S8.3; P/N: 50114884; MFR: LEUZE
50117361 Photocell - PRK18B.T2/PX-M12
50117363 Sensor Photoelectric/PRK18B.T2/4P-M12
50117375 Photocell Leuz 50117375
50117379 Photocell Retroreflective RK18B.T2/4P-M12
50117383 Sensor Photoelectric Leuz 50117363
50117583 Reflector MTKS 50x50.1
50117705 Polarized Retro-Reflective Photoelectric Sensor PRK5/4P; P/N: 50117705; MFR: LEUZE
50122695 Photocell PRK328.3/4P-M12
50122726 Energetic diffuse sensor ET328.3/4P-M12/ Replaced for RT 618/4-200-S12, PN: 50038449
50127012 Photocell Leuz PRK46C/4P-M12
50127015 Photocell PRK46C.1/4P-M12
50127021 Photoelectric sensor PRK46C/4W-M12 ; P/N: 50127021; MFR: LEUZE
50127024 PHOTOCELL REFLEC PRK46C.D/4P-M12; P/N: 50127024; MFR: Leuze
50127028 Photocell PRK46C.D1/PX-M12
50127048 Cảm biến quang HT46C/4-M12
50127426 Photocell
50129377 Photoelectric sensor HT3C/4P-200-M12; P/N: 50129377; MFR: LEUZE
50129381 Diffuse sensor with background suppression, HT3C.S/4P-200-M12; P/N: 50129381; P/N: 50129381; MFR: LEUZE
50129388 Cảm biến; P/N: 50129388; MFR: Leuze
50129403 Sensor Photoelectric Leuz PRK3CA34TM8
50129413 Photoelec Sensor PRK3CL1.A3/4T-200-M12; P/N: 50129413; MFR: LEUZE
50129751 Diffuse sensor with background suppression HT46CI/4P-200-M12
50130854 Connection cable KD U-M8-4A-P1-020
50130862 Connection cable KD U-M8-3W-V1-050; P/N: 50130862; MFR: Leuze
50134287 Sensor Leuz/PRK25C.D/4P-M12
50134291 Photoelectric sensor PRK20C.D/2N-M12 ; P/N: 50134291; MFR: LEUZE
50134295 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor; PRK25C.D1/4P-M12; P/N: 50134295; MFR: Leuze
50135129 Connection cable; P/N: 50135129; MFR: Leuze
50136249 Diffuse sensor with background suppressionHT3C.S/2N-200-M12; P/N: 50136249; P/N: 50136249; MFR: LEUZE
50136265 Reflective photoelectric sensor,PRK3C.T3/PT-M8PN: 50136265; P/N: 50136265; MFR: Leuze
50143278 Photocell Leuz - HT3CI.X/4P-200-M12
50143653 Photocell Retroreflective
50145441 Photocell Leuz / Set HT3CIX4P200M12BTX003M572
520151 Sensor connection module; P/N: 520151; MFR: Leuze
547954 Safety Relay; P/N: 547954; MFR: LEUZE
547958 Safety relay; P/N: 547958; MFR: Leuze
66002300 Bộ phát thiết bị an toàn nhiều chùm ánh sáng MLD300-T4L
66065300 Bộ phát thiết bị an toàn nhiều chùm ánh sáng MLD330-R4LM
66500100 Gương phản xạ; P/N: 66500100; MFR: LEUZE
66500200 Deflecting mirror MLD-M003, ; P/N: 66500200; MFR: Leuze
66502000 Cảm biến quang, MLD500-T1L; P/N: 66502000; MFR: LEUZE
66536000 Cảm biến quang, MLD510-R1L; P/N: 66536000; MFR: LEUZE
66568100 Cảm biến thu phát; P/N: 66568100; MFR: LEUZE
66568200 Multiple light beam safety device transceiver MLD530-RT3M;; P/N: 66568200; MFR: Leuze
68000412 Transmitter Safety Leuz 68000412
68000415 Thanh đèn an toàn (bộ phát) LEUZ00000224; P/N: 68000415; MFR: Leuze
68002415 Thanh đèn an toàn (bộ thu) LEUZ00000213; P/N: 68002415; MFR: Leuze
68003412 Safety Receiver Leuz 68003412
68090409 Transmitter Safety Leuz 68090409
68091409 Safety Receiver Leuz 68091409
7483440017 PHOTO ELECTRIC SENSOR PRK 18/4 DL.4 7483440017, LEUZE 00000025
7-483-44-001-7 Cảm biến quang
7483440018 ASI SENSOR ELECTRONIC, IPLK 18/A L4 7483440018
7-483-44-001-8 Cảm biến quang
AC-SCM1 Local Interface
BPS348ISM100 Bar code positioning system (50124983)
CPM500/2V Multiple light beam safety device transmitter
CPRT500/2-ML09/R2 Multiple light beam safety device receiver
GS-04M/P-30-S8 Sensor
HRT46B/66-S12 Light sensor P/N:50106547
HRTR-3B/44-L-200-S12 Light Sensor P/N:50124155
HT3C.XL/4P-200-M12 Diffuse sensor with background suppression
HT46C/4P-M12 Photocell PN 50127048
HT46CI/2N-M12 Diffuse sensor with background suppression
HT46CI/4P-M12 Diffuse sensor with background suppression
IPKR-1S/AL.46 Cảm biến Leuzue
IPRK-18/A-L.4/50030077 Photocell (ASI)
LE46C/4P-M12 Photoelectric sensor Type: LE46C/4P-M12; P/N: 50127033; MFR: Leuze
LEUZ00000129 Photo Electric Sensor GS 04M/P-80-S8; P/N: LEUZ00000129; MFR: LEUZE
LS46C.8-M12 Photoelectric sensor Type: LS46C.8-M12; P/N: 50127045; MFR: Leuze
LSER46B/66-S12 Throughbeam photoelectric sensor receiver Model: LSER 46B/66-S12; P/N: 50108532; MFR: Leuze
MLC300T40-900 Transmitter Safety PN 68090409
MLC310R40-900 Safety Receiver PN 68091409
MLC520R30150 Curtain Light Leuz MLC520R30150
MLD530-RT3M Sensor Safety Leuz MLD530RT3M
MS348 CONNECTION UNIT (50116471)
ODS9L2.8/LAK-450-M12 Optical distance sensors Model: ODS9L2.8/LAK-450-M12; P/N: 50137818; MFR: LEUZE
PRK18/24DL.46 Photocell PN 50032798
PRK18/24DL.46P/N50032798 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor; P/N: PRK18/24DL.46P/N50032798; MFR: LEUZE
PRK-18/4-DL.4 Photocell
PRK18/4DL4 Photo Electric Sensor
PRK18/4-DL4 Cảm biến quang P/N: 50080153
PRK-18/4-DL4 Photo electric senor
PRK184-DL.4 Photoelectric Sensor
PRK18B.T2/4P-M12 Sensor Type: PRK18B.T2/4P-M12; P/N: 50117363; MFR: Leuze
PRK18B.T2/PX-M12 Photocell Leuz
PRK25/66.41-S12 Photoelectric sensor
PRK25B/66.31.03-S12 Cảm biến quang điện
PRK-25B/66.31.03-S12 Reflector PE assemly P/N: 50112010
PRK25C.A2/2N-M12 Photoelectric sensor
PRK25C.A2/4P-M12 Photoelectric sensor
PRK25C.D1/2N-M12 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor
PRK25C.D1/4P-M12 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor
PRK3B/66-S8 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor Part no.: 50104694
PRK3C.T3/6T-M8 Photoelectric Sensor
PRK3C/6G-M8 Polarized retro-reflective photoelectric sensor
PRK46B/44.01-S12 Cảm biến quang điện P/N:50104383
PRK-46B/44.01S12 Photocell 50 18000 mm; Polarized retroreflective
PRK-46B/44.01-S12 Photo electric senor
PRK46C.1/4-M12 Cảm biến quang
PRK-8/44-S12 Photocell Sensor 10 - 30 VDC
PRK96M/P-1838-21 Photocell PN 50029880
RKR-3B/6.42-SB Cảm biến quang
RT618/4-200-S12 Sensor Diffuse Leuz RT6184200S12
TKS40X60 Reflector PN 50040820
TKS-40X60.1 Reflector P/N: 50109257

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